As a Christian Church we confess that there is but one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirits. That these three persons are equal in being, power, and glory. Further we confess that Jesus Christ is the son of God who became truly man to save his people from their sins. Our fundamental Christian Doctrines are confessed in the apostles’ creed and the nicene greed.
As a Protestant Church we believe that the scriptures alone are the rule of faith and practice. We further confess that Jesus Christ is the onlt head of his church. Further we believe the bible clearly teaches that man is justified by faith alone through grace alone ine Jesus Christ alone.
As a Confessional Church we subscribe to the westminster confession of faith and the larger and shorter catechisms. While we believe the scriptures alone are inerrant and infallible. We believe these standards are the clearest exposition of what the scriptures teach.
As an Orthodox Presbyterian Church we subscribe to the Orthodox Presbyterian’s book of church order which includes the form of government, the book of discipline, and the directory for the public worship of God.